Conversations, Feedback, and Recognition

The conversations that come from setting goals and trying to achieve them are the most important part of the process.

Meaningful goals take on meaning when they engage and inspire others. The give and take between people discussing a goal clarifies it. The excitement of others is the real measure of the importance of your work.

Taking time to self-reflect will help you learn faster and sustain energy over the long haul. Conversations are about:

  • what you’re trying to do

  • what you’ve learned

  • what’s working better

  • what isn’t working

  • what more you want to achieve

In an OKR process, conversations, feedback, and recognition are built in.

There is no failure or negative feedback in CFRs. You either succeed or you learn. If you achieve your goals, you’ll get recognized and asked what’s next.

If you’re still working on your KRs, the conversation is about what you’ve learned. We’ll discuss what obstacles need to be resolved and how. If the KRs were not met despite appropriate effort and resources, we’ll talk about the KRs. Do they need to be adjusted? Does the goal itself need adjusting for meaningful achievement? You might also want to enlist the help of other people with the right resources to get it done.

Any time you feel that a KR is at risk, you can schedule an extra Session. We’ll discuss what you are up against and explore options. I’m here and you can reach out via text, email, or Slack any time you need help.

MY OKR Project includes one 60-minute and one 30-minute coaching session per quarter. In these sessions, I’ll give you time for self-reflection and prompt you to consider what you’ve learned. The coaching sessions provide a continuous cycle of conversations designed to keep you thinking about and reaching for new goals.

Lisa D. Foster, Ph.D.  is an independent coach. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Lisa honors and abides by the ICF Code of Ethics.  All coaching sessions and consultations are confidential.

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