How to Align Objectives in your Dashboard

Your dashboard has an option for alignment. If you check it when you create your OKR, your goals will cascade and connect.

See the screen shot below to see where to look for the check box. Your KRs can also have baby KRs. That means that smaller KRs can align to bigger KRs. Or short term KRs can align with longer term KRs.

Remember, if it is inspirational, it’s an objective. If it is a metric to measure results, it’s a key result. Play with your layout until it matches what you want to achieve and how.

If you forget or it doesn’t work out on your first try, you can always edit your objective and align it later.

Be forgiving and give yourself time to get used to the process before expecting to create a beautiful cascading OKRs. You’ll see soon how much clearer and better organized your OKRs are.

Below are my first OKRs. I’m behind and they are a bit messy. I added the lower KRs recently and am working to catch up. It’s a work in progress.

My first OKR: a work in progress

Lisa D. Foster, Ph.D.  is an independent coach. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Lisa honors and abides by the ICF Code of Ethics.  All coaching sessions and consultations are confidential.

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